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We can end CPS’ cruelest tool
In Texas, the government can take your children – and keep them forever – without ever proving that you abused or neglected them. It’s called…
In Texas, the government can take your children – and keep them forever – without ever proving that you abused or neglected them. It’s called…
Believe it or not, it has been the law in Texas that anyone could pick up the phone, accuse a parent of child abuse, and…
Last April, I published a list of CPS bills making their way through the 88th Texas Legislature. The session is over, and the dust has…
The 88th Texas Legislature is in session, and several bills seeking to change how CPS operates are enduring the tortuous process of becoming law. A…
Jaywalking! Every person who’s illegally crossed a street is a scandalous criminal subject to prosecution and punishment to the fullest extent of the law. A…
WE KILLED THE BROAD-FORM JURY CHARGE! A multi-year, hard-fought battle is over, and Texas families are the victors. The broad-form jury charge is dead. A…
It was a good day. For the Pardo family and my legal team. Pardo Family Wins Dismissal by Kaufman County Court, Controversial CPS Case Effectively…
Elections matter, folks. When you vote in pro-law, pro-family, pro-constitution judges, you get excellent opinions like this. Don’t worry, it’s short. Read and enjoy. DOWNLOAD…
I was honored with the opportunity to write an article for the Texas Home School Coalition. Check out “Handling CPS Interviews (What Not to Do)”.…
I was honored to be on the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s discussion panel with Judge John Schmude of the 247th Court in Harris County. The…
Far and away the most visited page on my web site is “Ten Things You Must Do if CPS Knocks at Your Door.” It’s so…
Texas CPS has to work a little harder now to confiscate children.
Simply put, you should do this. Sign up for the free Constitution 101 course at Hillsdale College.
It was an honor to work with these fine organizations to make positive changes for families. Brandon Logan, Director, Center for Families & Children, Texas…
It’s finally cooling down in Texas, and the heartbreaking stories of kids left in hot cars have faded from the headlines. So are parents now okay to leave their kids in the car alone for a few minutes? How about at home? It may be completely reasonable and safe to do either, but State law takes many such decisions out of your hands. Here’s what you need to know:
When is it okay to leave a child alone?